Augusta Auction Company
Vintage for Valentines
Vintage, Couture & Historical Clothing, Rare Textiles,
Fashion Accessories, Lace & Jewelry
from Museums & Private Collections
Wednesday, February 12th, 11 am
Remote Previews Available Upon Request
Absentee, Live Online & Phone Bidding Available

Spitalfields robe a l’Anglaise & petticoat, 1770s

Mamie Eisenhower wedding reception gown, 1947

Large collection of Issey Miyake
Featured lots include:
Spitalfields Robe a L’Anglaise & Petticoat, 1770s
Important Mamie Eisenhower Wedding Reception Gown, 1947
Fortuny Sky Blue Delphos Gown, Early 20th C
Large Collection of Issey Miyake
Archival Geoffrey Beene Evening Gowns
Deaccessions from the International Quilt Museum & the Valentine Museum
House of Paquin Couture Coat, Spring 1930

North America’s #1 Auction House for Couture & Vintage Fashion
33 Gage Street, Bellows Falls, VT
802-451-6555 or 802-376-7166
Studio 802-463-3333
Consignment Inquiries Always Welcome
Email: [email protected]
Remote or live previews available upon request.
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