Story chicken

Classified Ads

The rate for classified ads is $1 per word*, with a $25 minimum. A photograph or illustration can be added for $10. Special formatting or highlighting of words is not available for classified ads. Text must be submitted in writing. Please provide payment in advance of publication. No discounts apply. Write us at Maine Antique Digest, PO Box 1429, Waldoboro, ME 04572 or email [email protected]. *Numbers and abbreviations should be counted as words.


FINE ART SERVICES. Conservation and restoration of paintings and painted objects. Free consultation, exceptional service. Elizabeth Caton Pardoe, BFA, member AIC. Warren, ME. (207) 273-1375, [email protected].


LIQUIDATION. Must sell my collection of prints by Howard Terpning, Vivi Crandall, JD Challenger, and various other artists, as well as artifacts and wildlife bronzes. Serious inquiries please. Call Harold (817) 565-7903.

VINTAGE LGBT BOOK COLLECTION for sale: 1970s-2000s. Perfect for collectors or enthusiasts. Email [email protected] for a full catalog.

RARE NEWSPAPERS – The New Collectible! Authentic originals, all historic events, 1600s-20th Century. Revolutionary War, Civil War, Old West, Harper’s Weekly, ( (570) 326-1045, [email protected].


I WANT THIS POSTER!! “Japanese Color Prints,” Arthur Wesley Dow, 1896. Steven Thomas, (802) 291-3764 (cell), [email protected]. Please clip and save.

SEEKING STANLEY SCOTT WPA linocuts of Boston landmarks. [email protected].

LOOKING TO PURCHASE ANNIE M. SNYDER paintings from late 1800s-early 1900s. Paintings are often signed A.M. Snyder. Email [email protected] for more information.

ALASKA: Old photos, books, paintings, stereoviews, postcards, ephemera. Anything old Alaska-Yukon-Klondike. Wood, Box 210492, Auke Bay, AK 99821, [email protected], (907) 789-8450.

WANTED: FINE SPORTING & WILDLIFE ART: Seeking fine sporting and wildlife paintings by traditional and contemporary artists. Please call or email images. Phone: (615) 516-9766, [email protected].

FLORIDA PAINTINGS WANTED! Red poinciana trees, beach scenes, sunsets, river scenes, swamp scenes, palm trees, etc.! BUY OR AUCTION, Ron Rennick Auctions, Inc., Vero Beach, FL, call (772) 562-5015.

COLLECTOR SEEKING U.S. stamp collections from estates or antiques dealers. I will pay more than a dealer as I am not a re-seller. Contact Ben at (978) 578-8882 or [email protected].

GAY & LGBTQ+ ITEMS WANTED: Gay-themed artworks, artistic male nudes, photography, posters, gay nightlife ephemera, antiquarian, Stonewall and AIDS era. [email protected] (401) 450-9052 ( 

KNIVES AND AXES by Ruana, Scagel, and Marbles, MSA. Gordon White, PO Box 181, Cuthbert, GA 39840. (229) 732-6982.

WANTED: OLD MOTORCYCLES American, Japanese, British: 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s. Any condition, running or not, especially projects for restoration. Website: ( Phone: 1-800-220-9683 Email: [email protected].

KLOPFER COLLECTION SEEKING RARE NUTMEG GRATERS. Include price & photo to [email protected]. (860) 763-2675. Educational website: (

19th C. WHALEMAN SCRIMSHAW Whale teeth, pie crimpers, boxes, swifts, harpoons, tools, etc. Contact: Rafael Osona, PO Box 2607, Nantucket, MA 02584, (508) 228-3942. [email protected], (, Lic. 366.

NANTUCKET ART, BASKETS AND ARTIFACTS Anne Congdon, Frank Swift Chase, Wendall Macy, George Inness, Eastman Johnson, Hayley Lever, John Austin, Ralph Cahoon, James Walter Folger, Andrew Shunney. For comprehensive list, visit ( Contact: Rafael Osona, (508) 228-3942 [email protected], Lic. 366.

MOVIE POSTERS WANTED. Lobby cards, 1-sheets, window cards, glass slides. Highest prices paid. Dwight Cleveland, PO Box 10922, Chicago, IL 60610-0922. (773) 525-9152. E-mail: [email protected].

ANTIQUE SCRIMSHAW from the 19th century, including teeth, crimpers, boxes, tools, swifts, clock towers, etc. Please, please antique pieces only. Contact John Rinaldi, Box 765, Kennebunkport, ME 04046. (207) 967-3218, Fax (207) 967-2918, [email protected], (


Originally published in the February 2025 issue of Maine Antique Digest. © 2025 Maine Antique Digest