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North Carolina Redware Sugar Jar Sets Record
by Karl H. Pass

Crocker Farm, Sparks, Maryland Photos courtesy Crocker Farm In a specialty sale with four headline-making records, which record stands out among the top? All speak volumes on the marketplace and deserve top billing. The results were achieved during the Crocker Farm online and absentee sale held from October 31 to November 10. Attributed ... (Read More)


Continuing Success at Country Spirit
by Don Johnson

Country Spirit Antique Show, Arcola, Illinois The continuing success of Country Spirit Antique Show, held November 10 and 11 in Arcola, Illinois, could be seen late during the first day, not long after the show’s third venue opened its doors Friday evening. Rich Myers of R. L. Myers Americana & ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Auction Prices Realized, November 2023
by M.A.D. Staff

Here are a few notable prices of antiques sold recently at auction, as provided by press releases. All prices include the buyer’s premium when charged. We’re always looking for news of prices realized at auctions, particularly unusual or top lots. Send pictures, complete descriptions, and information to A.P.R., Maine Antique ... (Read More)


Paintings, Furniture, and Decorative Arts at Doyle
by Lita Solis-Cohen

Doyle, New York City Photos courtesy Doyle American paintings, furniture, and decorative arts sales at Doyle, New York City, have long been known for consignments of Park Avenue estates. Now with offices in Charleston, Boston, Beverly Hills, Chicago, and Florida, Doyle draws consignments for this sale from all parts of the country. ... (Read More)


New York Requires Background Checks for Antique Firearms
by M.A.D. Staff

As of September 13 background checks are required for purchasers of antique firearms and ammunition in New York state, according to a press release from Governor Kathy Hochul. The legislation requiring New York sellers of guns and ammunition to perform background checks for firearms and ammunition transfers also mandates that ... (Read More)


California Art Sale
by Alice Kaufman

Bonhams, Los Angeles, California Photos courtesy Bonhams Department director Scot Levitt called the results of the November 8 California art auction at Bonhams “good, considering there was only one blockbuster, but nice solid, colorful pieces in a lower price range. It is harder and harder to find anything to sell. There is ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Community Watch
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

Beneath the Surface You learn things over the life of marriage, and then, or so it seems to us, if you stay married you learn to accept the things you have learned as being immutable. People are just strange, and they are very often consistent in their strangeness. It is best ... (Read More)


American Art at Bonhams
by Julie Schlenger Adell

Bonhams, New York City Photos courtesy Bonhams Bonhams held its fall American art sale November 7, which was Election Day. The auction house offered 83 lots, and the sale totaled $2,307,538 (with buyers’ premiums). The sell-through rate was 70.5%. The total estimates (not including buyers’ premiums) were $2.88/4.338 million. High Aspirations by Ernie ... (Read More)


Mary’s Antiques: The Final Sale
by Pete Prunkl

Ledbetter Auction Gallery, Gibsonville, North Carolina Photos courtesy Ledbetter Auction Gallery In 1975 after decades of independent buying and selling, Mary Wells opened Mary’s Antiques on busy Elm Street in Greensboro, North Carolina. For the next 42 years, her shop, Greensboro’s largest, was a popular destination for collectors and dealers. When she ... (Read More)


Southern Folk Pottery Collectors Win
by Marty Steiner

Cagle Auction Company, Bogart, Georgia Photos courtesy Cagle Auction Company Located in the northeast corner of Georgia, which is known for generations of potters, Cagle Auction Company presented nearly 300 lots of pottery, a few folk-art examples, and primitives November 4. This was a pottery collector’s dream sale. There was no five-digit-priced, ... (Read More)
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