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(Issue Story)

Another Trip Around the Sun
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector People are fond of telling tired parents, “The days are long, but the years are short.” Time does seem to change after having children, but perhaps not in that way. Unlike most of the things around us or at least in comparison to them, children change rapidly. The ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Under the Influence
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector We are part of an odd generation, a generation that straddles a digital divide. We were ten before our mothers owned microwaves, which happened only a few years before we got our first family computers. Hollie says she often feels our childhood was like The Wizard of Oz, ... (Read More)

(Young Collectors)

Looking for the Good
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

School has started back at our house, and every year it is an anxiety-ridden process. Like anything that comes with tremendous rewards, homeschooling also comes with tremendous responsibility. And as with anything that comes with tremendous responsibility, there are people who are happy to take your money to alleviate some ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

September, the time of year for looking back at the summer and all that has been accomplished! Or not accomplished, as the case may be. One bay of the garage is still filled with furniture and totes, the gutters on the workshop still need to be cleaned, and the deck ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Have a Little Faith
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

We spend a lot of time on the road, and there are only so many rounds of the “alphabet game” one can stand—or only so many columns one can hear hashed out (if you asked the kids)—so we have become huge fans of podcasts. Podcasts might seem daunting and newfangled, ... (Read More)

(Young Collectors)

Get On Board
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector Part of our impetus for uprooting our lives so completely a couple years ago was the desire to be part of a community. We both grew up in small towns, the kind of place where you saw your teacher at church and the cashier in the grocery store ... (Read More)

(Young Collectors)

Size Matters
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector Size Matters We talk often as an industry about what many consider to be the first rule of collecting: buy the best you can afford. Reduced, however, that means collecting two or three great objects per year rather than 25 “just good” objects. In theory, it makes sense, but ... (Read More)

(Young Collectors)

A Fundamental Question
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector Is there anything more exhausting than a small child who wants to know the why of everything? And to answer is just a trap! We all know that nothing good comes of answering “Why?” because it’s just followed by another one. It is unending. Kid questions are unending ... (Read More)

(Young Collectors)

The Art of Being Irrational
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector We all like to think we are rational human beings, that we have it together and see the world as it is. After all, the world is a safer place if we are able to predict our own reactions and choices, and all the more so if we ... (Read More)

(Young Collectors)

Ode to Joy
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector Winter, for many people, is binge weather. There’s no yardwork to be done on Saturday, nowhere to go when it is snowy and dark, so it is the perfect time to settle in and watch enough hours of television that Netflix becomes concerned and asks if you are ... (Read More)
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