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A Show with a Heart
by Fran Kramer

The Greater Rochester Antiques Show, Henrietta, New York As I write this at home after spending hours walking through the second day of the Greater Rochester Antiques Show on October 19 (the first day is just setup, and I walked then as well), I am looking for adjectives to describe why ... (Read More)


“American Atmosphere”: A Private Collection at Christie’s
by Julie Schlenger Adell

Christie’s, New York City Photos courtesy Christie’s Holding no American art sales in the fall, Christie’s filled the void by offering its audience an online-only auction of 62 lots from a single-owner private collection. The sale, titled “American Atmosphere: An Important Private Collection,” ran from September 27 to October 18 after an exhibition ... (Read More)


New Season of Bath Antique Sale Launches
by Clayton Pennington

Bath, Maine On October 13 Gurley Antique Shows started another season of the Bath Antique Sale held at the middle school in Bath, Maine. It is a series of seven shows—one each month all the way to April. These short-and-sweet shows are win-wins all the way around. It’s inexpensive to get in—the ... (Read More)


Inaugural Vose | Barridoff American Fine Art Auction
by Frances McQueeney-Jones Mascolo

Vose Galleries and Barridoff Auctions, Boston, Massachusetts Photos courtesy Vose Galleries and Barridoff Auctions Venerable Vose Galleries, founded in 1841, and the half-century-old Barridoff Auctions of South Portland, Maine, joined forces October 13 for their inaugural “Vose | Barridoff American Fine Art Auction.” After years of professional affiliation, it seemed only natural ... (Read More)


A Beautiful Fall Day at Fishersville
by Walter C. Newman

Fishersville Antiques Expo, Fishersville, Virginia The 73rd edition of the Fishersville Antiques Expo was held October 11 and 12 at the Augusta Expo Center in Fishersville, Virginia. This marks the show’s 38th year. We have frequently reported about the wide variety of antiques, collectibles, and interesting one-of-a-kind items that are available at ... (Read More)


Schutte Collection at New England Auctions
by Frances McQueeney-Jones Mascolo

New England Auctions, Branford, Connecticut Photos courtesy New England Auctions New England Auctions’ October 10 and 11 auction in Branford, Connecticut, brought to market the compelling six-decade early Americana collection of Thomas F. and Tess L. Schutte. The couple gathered their expansive collection meticulously, with a focus on New England and Pennsylvania ... (Read More)


Liverant to Receive ADA Award of Merit
by M.A.D. Staff

On Friday, November 15, at 6 p.m., the Antiques Dealers’ Association of America, Inc. (ADA) will honor Arthur Liverant of Nathan Liverant and Son Antiques, Colchester, Connecticut, as the recipient of the 2024 ADA Award of Merit. The award is presented in recognition of his enduring passion for the field ... (Read More)


Cartographic Treasures
by Walter C. Newman

Old World Auctions, Richmond, Virginia Photos courtesy Old World Auctions As Old World Auctions’ 200th sale approached, Eliane and Jon Dotson decided to make it a special auction. Old World Auctions’ sales of maps and related cartographic materials customarily offer 700-plus lots. Instead of a large celebratory sale, this special auction featured ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Auction Prices Realized, October 2024
by M.A.D. Staff

Here are a few notable prices of antiques sold recently at auction, as provided by press releases. All prices include the buyer’s premium when charged. We’re always looking for news of prices realized at auctions, particularly unusual or top lots. Send pictures, complete descriptions, and information to A.P.R., Maine Antique ... (Read More)


Modern Design Auction
by Lita Solis-Cohen

Rago Auctions, Lambertville, New Jersey Photos courtesy Rago Auctions To begin the fall season, Rago/Wright, auctioneers of modern and contemporary art and design, added a pop culture auction brand, Landry Pop Auctions, which on October 8 hosted “Icon and Heroes,” a sale of comics, trading cards, and video games. Other focused sales ... (Read More)
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