(Issue Story)
Here are a few notable prices of antiques sold recently at auction, as provided by press releases. All prices include the buyer’s premium when charged. We’re always looking for news of prices realized at auctions, particularly unusual or top lots. Send pictures, complete descriptions, and information to A.P.R., Maine Antique ... (Read More)
(Issue Story)
Having recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, Ron and Joyce Bassin of A Bird in Hand Antiques, Florham Park, New Jersey, are still on the road having fun. They exhibit at nine shows a year, from Washington, D.C., to York, Pennsylvania (two times a year); Thomasville, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; ... (Read More)
The Decorative Arts Trust has awarded the 2024 Prize for Excellence and Innovation to Drayton Hall Preservation Trust in Charleston, South Carolina, for projects to include the conservation of the plaster ceiling in the house’s great hall, the investigation of the plaster ceiling in the drawing room, and digital and ... (Read More)
(Book Review)
A Book Review
Unnamed Figures: Black Presence and Absence in the Early American North corrects the view that slavery and anti-black racism is just a “southern issue.” The book accompanied the exhibition of the same name that opened to much acclaim at the American Folk Art Museum (AFAM) in New York ... (Read More)
For 70 years collectors, curators, and the curious have made a pilgrimage to New York City in cold January to feast their eyes and learn all they can about the finest furniture, silver, paintings, ceramics, and folk art that money can buy exhibited at The Winter Show at the Park ... (Read More)
Stair Galleries will auction the collection of Sanford L. “Sandy” Smith on Thursday, January 30—online and in its galleries at 549 Warren Street, Hudson, New York.
Smith was a collector and entrepreneur who created some of New York’s most prestigious art fairs, supporting areas of the market that were of particular ... (Read More)
(Issue Story)
A collector of American antiques is probably so used to it she doesn’t even question anymore. It is as common as iron, oxygen, or helium in the physical world. I speak of marketing—advertisements in trade publications, use of social media including videos of show booths, email blasts to lists of ... (Read More)
A Book Review
“Welcome to this hobby!” write lightning rod ball collectors Phil Steiner and Randy Parish. “You now begin an endless treasure hunt that nearly no other antiquer you talk to possesses any knowledge of.”
With that cautionary warning, this book opens with an index of abbreviations used throughout its pages, ... (Read More)
(Issue Story)
Old Wine, New Bottle
It’s an old scam but with a new twist.
On December 6 Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez announced that his office had successfully disrupted a cryptocurrency scam that was targeting artists. An 85-year-old Brooklyn artist was scammed out of his life savings. The investigation traced the money he ... (Read More)