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An Ax to Find: Is PayPal Warehousing "Not Genuine" eBay Lots in Dallas?

by ... (Read More)


Remote Site No Deterrent for Throngs at Backofen Sale
by David Hewett

by David Hewett ... (Read More)


Wayne Pratt, 64

Wayne Pratt, 64, of Woodbury, Connecticut, and Nantucket, Massachusetts, died on July 25 following complications of heart valve surgery. He is survived by his wife, Sarah Shinn Pratt, two daughters, Jessica and Christina, and two sons, Henry and James. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to ... (Read More)


$165,000 for Perry?s Gold Medal
by Samuel Pennington

Commodore Perry?s Gold Medal by Samuel Pennington The* gold medal presented to Commodore Matthew C. Perry by merchants of Boston ??in token of their appreciation of his services in negotiating the treaty with Japan signed at Yoku-Hama, March 31, and with Lew Chew at Napa, July 11, 1854?? sold with its raggedy ... (Read More)

(The Art of Marketing)

The New Lure of the Antiques Trade
by David Vazdauskas

by David Vazdauskas Sometimes we all get so caught up in the surprises, intrigues, and hand-wringing in the antiques business, we forget that almost every day someone new is thinking about joining the trade. It's not exactly a baby-born-every-four-seconds kind of thing, but it is nevertheless a positive sign for the ... (Read More)

(The Art of Marketing)

Marketing to Younger Buyers: A Vintage Appeal?
by David Vazdauskas

by David Vazdauskas What could be better than enjoying a well-aged Bordeaux from the comfort of a Philadelphia Sheraton mahogany sofa? Well, to the average thirtysomething young professional, it might be sipping an apple martini with feet propped up on a reproduction Mission-style coffee table. The wine and antiques industries ... (Read More)

(The Art of Marketing)

Customer Loyalty: Where Competition and Economics Collide
by David Vazdauskas

by David Vazdauskas Benjamin Franklin, publisher of Poor Richard's Almanac and perhaps our country's first self-help guru, once wrote, "Drive thy business or it will drive thee." At the time, he was no doubt giving brand management advice to the young Paul Revere on the matter of running his silversmith ... (Read More)

(The Art of Marketing)

The Rise of the Retail Buyer
by David Vazdauskas

by David Vazdauskas In their book The Experience Economy, Joseph Pine and James Gilmore argue that it is no longer sufficient for companies to compete on price and service alone. To succeed amid a growing number of buying environments, the authors say that sellers must provide a stimulating consumer experience. ... (Read More)

(The Art of Marketing)

A New Twist on the Buyer's Premium
by David Vazdauskas

by David Vazdauskas I guess it all started the day I tried to make a hotel reservation. I needed a place to stay on the night before my aunt's 50th anniversary celebration as a nun. In addition to loving my aunt, of course, I knew they also could really put ... (Read More)

(The Art of Marketing)

For Sale: One Crystal Ball (As Is)
by David Vazdauskas

by David Vazdauskas Alex Wiedenhoeft sits quietly in his laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, peering into a stereomicroscope. Barbara Coulon sips a cappuccino in a Seattle coffee house, locked in conversation with a group of Generation X trendsetters. Roger Schrenk is one with his computer, uploading a staggering array of arm, ... (Read More)
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