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(Young Collectors)

The Young Collector: Connecting with the Young eCollector
by Andrew Richmond and Hollie Davis

The Young Collectorby Andrew Richmond and Hollie DavisWe had beginner's luck. We'd cranked out one column and were sitting at home wondering vainly what we should write about next when our issue of M.A.D. arrived. In perusing the letters to the editor, we found out that Generation X is considered, ... (Read More)


The Easton Home: Seniors and Antiques under One Roof
by David Sperling

by David SperlingWe normally do not associate fine antiques with assisted living. Yet such a partnership does exist under one roof in the village of Easton, Pennsylvania, about one hour north of Philadelphia and one and a half hours west of New York City.I first became aware of "clocks in ... (Read More)


Tarnished Silver
by Walter C. Newman

by Walter C. NewmanO what a tangled web we weaveWhen first we practise to deceive!This famous passage by Sir Walter Scott is found toward the conclusion of his epic poem, Marmion, which is a story full of betrayal, disguise, and deceit. That may be an apt description of a Tiffany ... (Read More)


A Sometimes Up and Sometimes Down October Sale
by David Hewett

by David HewettThe three-day sale held by Northeast Auctions October 26-28 in Manchester, New Hampshire, is difficult to summarize. It grossed about $6.3 million, and consignors (at least the two we spoke with at the sale) were certainly pleased with the results, but no one was whistling in the elevator ... (Read More)


Antiques Manhattan Revived, Helps Fill Pier Void

Antiques Manhattan, an antiques show that was last seen in New York City in 2003, will return this January, according to show promoter Barry Cohen of b4rTime, Inc. An e-mail to the trade from Cohen reads, "The cancellation of the Americana at the Piers show for 2008 has left a ... (Read More)


Rare Rolhfs Chair Stars at Cottone's First Auction in Own House
by Fran Kramer

by Fran KramerTwo auctioneers in the Cottone family: son Matt (left) and father, Sam.Sam Cottone selling the chair. He is looking down at a left bid."No balloons or ribbons for our opening!" That's what Sam Cottone said at the end of his final sale inside Peter's Party House in Mt. ... (Read More)


Stella's Antiques at the Armory Show Will Be Held

Word from the Stella Show Management Company is that Antiques at the Armory, the January 18-20 antiques show at the 69th Regiment Armory in New York City, will be held. Because the 69th Regiment National Guard unit will be deployed to Afghanistan, Stella?s use of the building was in doubt. For more ... (Read More)


Salander-O'Reilly Galleries Padlocked, Art and Library Pledged, Big Show Canceled
by David Hewett

by ... (Read More)


In the Trade: Samuel Herrup of Sheffield, Massachusetts
by Frank Donegan

by Frank DoneganOne thing you can say about Samuel Herrup: he's an optimist. Here's a guy who has been in the business for 35 years, and he waits until now—when everyone is telling you this is the worst antiques market in decades—to open his first shop.Herrup, who has long been ... (Read More)


Logan Estate Sold by Choice, Choice, and Choice Again
by David Hewett

Iroquois Auctions, Cape Vincent, New Yorkinby David HewettOne of the more unusual on-site estate auctions we've covered took place in Cape Vincent, New York, over the three days of July 6-8. Iroquois Auctions of Brewerton, New York, conducted the sale of the John and Jane Logan estate under tents on ... (Read More)
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